Liverpool Quiz Answers….

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‘Scouse Question Time 1207 – 2000’ – ANSWERS ©

1.       The off-springs of which two rivers come together to form the River Mersey?

Goyt & Tame

2.       What now stands on the site of ‘Everton Beacon’?

St Georges Church

3.       Who is said to have completed the building of Liverpool Castle in 1235?

William de Ferrers

4.       Which family lived in the ‘old hall’ in what is now Old Hall St?

More (Moores)

5.       Who won what for the third time in 1977?

Red Rum, Grand National

6.       Can you name Liverpool’s original 7 streets?

Whiteacre (Mulne St, Old Hall St), Bonk or Bank St (Water St), Chapel St, More St (Tithebarn), Dale St, Juggler St (High St), Castle St,

7.       Who were the original tenants of Radiant House – Bold St in 1938?

Liverpool Gas Co.

8.       Where would you find the ‘Sanctuary Stone’?

Castle St, in road opposite Nat West

9.       Who built Lydiate Hall c1470?

Lawrence Ireland

10.   Who bequeathed Liverpool’s first Town Hall (which was Gilde House)

Rev John Crosse

11.   Which Liverpool sea Captain is said to have spotted the Spanish Armada from his ship ‘Relief’

Privateer Captain, Humphrey Brook

12.   In what year did the Royal Hunting Park of Toxteth have its park status removed?


13.   Where would you have found ‘Jackson’s Dam’?

Sited on the shore line on what is now Sefton Street, occupied the area from the bottom of Warwick Street, across Northumberland Street. The complex included a tide mill and reservoir

14.   Who was famously the 15yr old tutor/master at the Toxteth Ancient Chapel c 1611?

Richard Mather

15.   Where would you have found the ‘Fall Well’?

St John’s Lane

16.   Which Toxteth astronomer discovered the ‘transit of Venus’?

Jeremiah Horrocks

17.   In what year was Prince Rupert’s siege of Liverpool?


18.   Why was Addison St previously called ‘’Sickman’s Lane’?

Plague – 200 persons died and were buried in Sickman’s lane, now Addison street.

19.   In which year did Liverpool City Council pass a formal motion apologising for the City’s part in the slave trade?

9th Dec 1999

20.   Where would you find ‘A Case History’ by John King?

Hope St

21.   What was Whitechapel previously called?

Frog Lane

22.   What was the cause of the dispute between Lord Molyneux and the Liverpool Corporation in the late 1660’s?

He wanted to build a bridge from Lord St across ‘pool’ to Church St

23.   Liverpool had its first recorded imports of sugar in 1667, what was the name of the ship?

The Antelope

24.   What did the ‘Liverpool Merchant’ trade in 1700?

200 slaves in Barbados

25.   Who carried out the Leveson St Massacre in 1849?

Maurice Gleeson

26.   Which family developed Knowsley Hall in the 1700s?


27.   Who c1705 said of Liverpool: ‘Liverpool has an opulent, flourishing and increasing trade to Virginia and English colonies in America’

Daniel Defo

28.   In what year was the Parliamentary Act passed to allow the building of Steers Old Dock?


29.   What was on the site of the now Adelphi in the mid 1700s?

Ranelagh Gardens

30.   Name the famous Liverpool sporting artist born in Liverpool 1724.

George Stubbs

31.   Canning Dock is named after whom?

George Canning MP 1812-23

32.   Duncan St was originally called what?

Hotham St

33.   Why was Falkner Square nicknamed ‘Falkners Folly?

It was deemed too far out of town to be a successful development

34.   What is unique about the source of the naming of Fontenoy St?

The only street to be named after a lost battle

35.   What did Andrew Carnegie fund in Liverpool?

Five libraries

36.   Tower Buildings was once used as a what (1737+)?

Town gaol

37.   Who was Williamson Square named after?

Cobbler/shoemaker named Williamson

38.   Why was the ‘Liverpool Blues Regiment’ raised in 1745?

Due to fear of Bonnie Prince Charlie marching from Scotland

39.   Clayton Square was named after Sarah Clayton but who were the streets off it named after?

Her relatives

40.   What was the key feature of St Thomas Church, Park Lane?

216ft Tower/steeple

41.   What is Molly Bushell famous for?

Everton toffees

42.   Where and what was Clarke’s Basin?

Off Old Hall St – Leeds/Liverpool Canal

43.   What is the statue on top of Liverpool Town Hall?


44.   What do the four figures above first floor portico of the Town Hall represent?

The four seasons

45.   St Domingo House, Everton was named after what?

San Domingo

46.   Who was Lydia Ann – Lydia Ann Street?

The wife of the owner of the Phoenix Foundry which stood on the street

47.   Where was the Octagon Church – c1763?

Temple Court

48.   What delayed the building of Georges Dock in the 1760s?

Hurricane storm ruined the work that  had been done

49.   In what year did Liverpool become a parish separate from Walton?


50.   Who built the world’s first lighthouses to use parabolic mirrors?

William Hutchinson

51.   What did George Stubbs release in 1766?

‘The Anatomy of the Horse’

52.   Which four cities is Liverpool twinned with?

Cologne, Dublin, Shanghai and Rio de Janeiro.

53.   On what day of the year was Liverpool’s historical market held?

11th November – St Martins Day

54.   Liverpool’s first public gardens opened in 1767 – where were they?

St James Mount – Mount Gardens

55.   Who produced this in 1769 – ‘The New and Accurate Plan of The Town and Port of Liverpool?’

George Perry

56.   Where was the original Liverpool terminus of the Liverpool-Leeds Canal?

Old Hall St/Earle St

57.   In 1770 Richard and George Holden start publishing what?

Reliable ‘tide charts’ for the Mersey

58.   What did Edward Rushton establish?

School for the Blind – Commutation Row, 1791

59.   Who was Berry St named after?

The towns second dock engineer Henry Berry

60.   Why is Catherine St so named?

After the Mother of William Jones, who was the first to build a house on the street

61.   What was a feature of the first numbering of houses c 1773?

Sequential up one side down the other

62.   Dukes Dock was built for whom in 1773?

Duke of Bridgewater

63.   1774 – Dr Matthew Dobson, a physician practising in Harrington Street was the first to discover what?

A link between sugar and diabetes

64.   Why did sailors riot in Liverpool in 1775?


65.   How much did Messrs Leyland and Dillon win in the state lottery in 1776?


66.   William Lynn of Waterloo Hotel, Ranelagh St donated which famous cup?

The Waterloo Cup – hare coursing

67.   Carnatic Hall (Mossley Hill House) was built by whom and named after what? (2pts)

Peter Baker captures the Carnatic with his privateering ship ‘Mentor’

68.   Mersey Bowmen Society established in 1781 became what?

Mersey Bowmen Lawn Tennis Club (Sefton Park)

69.   Where was Liverpool’s first purpose built prison?

Great Howard St

70.   What number Rodney St was William Gladstone born in 1809?


71.   Where is the ‘Little Wales’ plague situated?

Pall Mall (canal warehouses)

72.   In which former church were the bodies of monks discovered in 2004?

St Peters RC Seel St (Alma de Cuba)

73.   Why was Islington known as ‘Folly Lane’?

Was site of Gibson’s Folly (an inn with a tower)

74.   Which famous poet was born at 118 Duke St on 25th Sept 1793?

Felicia Hemans

75.   What were the Goree Piazzas named after?

Senegal’s Goree Islands off the coast of Africa

76.   Who wrote ‘The Life of Lorenzo de’ Medici’ in 1796?

William Roscoe

77.   Where was the original Athenaeum Club?

Top of Church St

78.   Where would you find the earliest surviving bank building in Liverpool, and one of the first purpose-built banks in the country?

Brunswick St – Heywoods Bank

79.   Where would you have found Walton Windmill – demolished c1920?

Springfield St off Walton Rd – behind Springfield pub

80.   Where was William Hutchinson buried?

St Thomas’s

81.   Which very large church once stood on Upper Duke St on the site now occupied by a Chinese warehouse?

St Mark’s

82.   Who took part in Liverpool’s last duel in 1805? (2pts)

Colonel John Bolton v Major Brooks

83.   Where was Dr Henry Duncan born? (currently marked by a plague)

106 Seel St – site of Blue Angel Club

84.   Where did ‘The Mole of Edge Hill’ build his house?

Mason St

85.   What was the name of Liverpool’s last slave ship?

Kitty Amelia

86.   How many times was Liverpool born William Gladstone Prime Minister?


87.   Where did John Foster jnr. famously tour in the years from 1810?


88.   What collapsed in 1810 sadly resulting in the death of 24 children and 3 adults?

St Nicholas Church spire

89.   Where was the Saracens pub situated?

Site of Municipal Buildings Dale St

90.   What was the first grand building erected in the new Victoria St c 1865?

Fowlers Building

91.   Which two architects are credited with St Luke’s (Bombed Out) Church?

John Foster snr., and John Foster jnr.

92.   Which paper, started in 1811, merged with the Daily Post in 1904?

The Liverpool Mercury

93.   Which chapel once stood on the site of Roscoe’s Gardens, Renshaw St?

Renshaw St Chapel

94.   The only assassination of a British Prime Minister, Spencer Percival, was by a bankrupt Liverpool merchant. What was his name?

John Bellingham, 11th May 1812

95.   In what year was the Nelson Monument in Exchange Flags unveiled?

21st Oct 1813

96.   Which four victories does the Nelson Monument in Exchange Flags commemorate?

St Vincent/The Nile/Copenhagen/Trafalgar

97.   St George’s Church, Everton was built 1813-14, the first of three ‘cast-iron’ churches erected by whom?

John Cragg

98.   What was the name of the ‘fields’ Abercromby Square and surrounding streets were built on?


99.   Who instigated and funded the 33 drinking fountains inserted into dock wall c1859?

Charles Pierre Melly

100.                        What now occupies the site of Kirkdale Gaol built 1818?

Kirkdale Recreation Ground

101.                        What was added to the Town Hall in 1820?

The dome

102.                        What famously disappeared overnight one evening in 1820?

Everton cross

103.                        St Patrick’s Park Road/Park Place – was does the commemoration to ’10 priests’ remember?

The Liverpool priests who, attending the sick caught typhus fever and died in 1847

104.                        Where would you today find a statue of Father James Nugent?

St Johns Gardens

105.                        Where today would you find the George III monument?

Pembroke Place/London Rd

106.                        Which best friend of Jane Austin lived in Everton in the 1830s?

Miss Anne Sharp

107.                        Who is buried in the ‘pyramid’ grave at St Andrew’s Church, Rodney St?

William Mackenzie who built Edge Hill – Lime St tunnel

108.                        Grant Gardens, Everton was once a cemetery called what?

Necropolis or Low Hill Cemetery Everton

109.                        Where was the Liverpool branch of the Bank of England first opened in 1826?

In former private house in Hanover St

110.                        Who wrote the poem Casabianca (known as The Boy stood on the Burning Deck)

Felicia Hemans

111.                        Which church built in Cornwallis St/Kent                Street in 1826 had a 201ft steeple?

St Michael’s

112.                        Pool Lane became which street?

South Castle St

113.                        Which famous four legged animal was once said to have stood on the Adelphi balcony in 1954?


114.                        Who designed the Oratory?

John Foster jnr.

115.                        Which department store was the scene of a fatal fire in 1960 resulting in 11 deaths?


116.                        Which church off Vauxhall Rd was nicknamed the ‘Black Church’ in the 19th Century?

St Martin-in-the-Field – Silvester St off Vauxhall Rd.

117.                        What type of spring was discovered in St James Cemetery in by Dr Thomas Houlston in 1773?


118.                        John James Audubon is famous for what?

All types of American birds and for his detailed illustrations that depicted the birds in their natural habitats

119.                        In what way where the Wapping and Crown Street tunnels a world first when built in 1826-29?

First under a metropolis

120.                        Where was The Apothecaries’ Hall – built c1846

Colquitt St/Wood St

121.                        Who was appointed the country’s first Medical Officer of Health in 1846?

Dr William Henry Duncan

122.                        Which astronomer from West Derby discovered Triton, the largest moon of Neptune in 1846?

William Lassel

123.                        In 1847 a statue of William Huskisson was unveiled by Sir Robert Peel outside the Customs House. Where is it now?

Dukes Terrace off Duke St

124.                        What did the Liverpool Water Act of 1847 allow the corporation to do?

Allow city to look outside of boundaries for water supplies, and buy the two water companies

125.                        Which Liverpool theatre did Charles Dickens performs at on 28th July 1847?

Theatre Royal, Williamson Square, on 28th July

126.                        Which famous silent movie star attended St Francis Xaviers School?

Charlie Chaplin

127.                        Where would you find ‘the six-sided clock’?

Salisbury Dock

128.                        Where did John Cripps, shawl merchant and manufacturer, have his shop?

Bold St – No. 14 – 16

129.                        St Edwards College was established in which Everton house?

St Domingo House

130.                        St Albans Church in Athol St is now a what?

A climbing centre

131.                        Sarah Biffin, artist, who was buried at St James Cemetery in 1850, had overcome what major hurdle in her life?

‘Thirty-seven inches in height, possessed of neither hands nor arms’

132.                        James Baines – The Black Ball Line – clippers to Australia, was the inspiration for what 1980s TV series?

Onedin Line

133.                        The ‘Derby Museum of the Borough of Liverpool’ opened in which building in 1852?

Union building on corner of Parr St/Slater St – still there – attracted 157,861 visits in its first 32 weeks

134.                        Ye Cracke in Rice St was originally called what?

Ruthin Castle

135.                        Why was the widening of the River Weaver and the dredging of the Mersey and Irwell Rivers so important in the early 1700’s?

Makes movement of goods to/from Manchester, and Cheshire salt mines  easier

136.                        What notable measures did Mayor Bryan Blundell take in 1721 to improve law & order?

Introduced measures to curb public drunkenness including a ‘cage/lock up’ and stocks at top of Red Cross St/Derby Sq

137.                        Who funded the original Bluecoat School in 1708?

Bryan Blundell

138.                        Which American stayed at Mrs Blodget’s Guest House, at 153 Duke Street in the 1850’s

Nathanial Hawthorne, American Consul

139.                        18-19 Abercromby Square was built for C.K. Prioleau, a South Carolina businessman. Who also famously lived here later?

Bishop Chavasse lived here, and Noel Chavasse VC winner

140.                        What did No. 8 Brougham Terrace become in 1889?

Britain’s first mosque

141.                        The Bank of Liverpool, founded 1831, eventually merged with which other bank in 1918?

142.                        St Martin’s Market became better known by what name?

Paddy’s Market

143.                        Kitty Wilkinson was famous for what?

Allowed house to be used as wash house in 1832, and brought about the opening of Britain’s first combined public baths and wash house at Upper Frederick in 1842.

144.                        The Royal Northern Hospital which first opened in 1834 became known by what name?

David Lewis Hospital

145.                        The Judges lodgings moved to Newsham House in 1868 from which street just outside the city centre?

St Anne St.

146.                        Which street housed the Northend and Southend Abbatoirs in the 1830’s?

Trowbridge St

147.                        Who famously lived at No 3 Gambier Terrace in 1960 – name both!

John Lennon and Stuart Sutcliffe share a flat here – No. 3

148.                        Who was appointed the first The Liverpool City Police Head Constable in 1836?

Michael James Whitty

149.                        West Derby Union Workhouse became which hospital 1871?

Mill Road Maternity Hospital

150.                        Castle Moat House was built for which bank 1838-40?

North and South Wales Bank

151.                        Who was the architect for the 5th Customs House & Revenue Building?

John Foster jnr.

152.                        Where will you find Mornington Terrace?

Top of Duke St/Upper Duke St

153.                        ‘The Blackie’ is the name for which church – still standing?

Great George St Church, built 1840/41

154.                        Teutonic Hall (St James Hall) became which cinema?

Palais De Lux Cinema, Lime St

155.                        Where was Joseph Williamson buried?

St Thomas’s, Park Lane

156.                        What is the ‘Old Lerpoolian Society’ founded 1894 and still going?

Former pupils of the Upper School of Liverpool College

157.                        Who designed Princes Park?

Sir Joseph Paxton

158.                        Which school did Edwina Currie attend in Hope St?

Blackburne House

159.                        What was the key reason for the Liverpool Warehouse Act of 1844?

The great losses caused by fires

160.                        What was the disaster at Sussex St Toxteth in 1845 in which people sadly died?

A huge iron tank that was being erected by the Liverpool and Harrington Water Works Company burst

161.                        Thomas Cook’s first ever trip for profit was to Liverpool in 1845 from which other UK town (now city)?


162.                        Who were the original founders of the White Star Shipping Line in 1845?

John Pilkington and Henry Wilson

163.                        Who laid the foundation stone for the Sailors Home in 1846?

Prince Albert on 31st July

164.                        Who was the architect for the Bank of England in Castle St?

C.R. Cockerell, 1846-48.

165.                        When founded in 1850 the Royal Liver Friendly Society was originally what?

A burial club

166.                        Who became the first Bishop of Liverpool in 1850?

George Hilary Brown

167.                        Who designed the world’s first air-conditioning system at St George’s Hall?

David Boswell Reid

168.                        Where was the Palatine Club?

Bold St

169.                        Where did a mass snow ball take place in 1854?

Exchange Flags

170.                        Who was the founder of The Liverpool Daily Post in 1855?

Michael James Whitty

171.                        The riots inn February 1855 were known as the ‘***** Riots’?

Bread Riots

172.                        What was formed in 1857 resulting in Liverpool Corporation receiving £1.5million compensation for loss of dues, and £1.143m for loss of …….?

Mersey Docks and Harbour Board

173.                        In 1857 two captured guns from which battle were placed outside St Georges and later moved to Wavertree Park?


174.                        Clarks shoe shop at 25 Church St was what in 1909?

UK’s first branch of Woolworths

175.                        In what year was Liverpool granted its corporate seal?


176.                        Which famous explorer lived at 20 Roscommon St for a short time in the late 1850s?

Henry Morton Stanley

177.                        Which Liverpool owned ship sank off Anglesey on 26th Oct 1859 with the loss of over 400 lives?

The Royal Charter

178.                        Robert Cain was once the landlord of Transatlantic Hotel. What is this pub called now?

The Coburg

179.                        Which shipping line was responbsible for the influx of Liverpool’s first Chinese immigrants?

Alfred Holt’s Blue Funnel

180.                        The Prince of Wales Theatre – Clayton Square, once the residence of Mrs Clayton, became which cinema?

Prince of Wales Theatre then The Jacey Cinema

181.                        Who famously once enrolled for a day as a Special Constable at Argyle St Bridewell?

Charles Dickens

182.                        Where did Jean Francois Blondin, world famous tightrope walker, perform in 1861?

Plumpton’s Hollow – Sheil Rd/Boaler St

183.                        John Hulley was famous for what?

Establishing the British Olympic movement and Liverpool Gymnasium

184.                        Brocklebank Dock, opened 1862, was named after whom?

Named after MDHB ex chairman Ralph Brocklebank

185.                        Sefton Park Cricket Club, founded 1862, had its first ground where?

Smithdown Road

186.                        Where would you find one of the ‘Liverpool Special’ post-boxes cast in 1863?

Albert Dock

187.                        Who was Liverpool’s first Jewish Mayor (1863)?

Charles Mozley

188.                        Where was Dr. Sebastian Z. De Ferranti born (1864)?

130 Bold St

189.                        Where would you find the remains of the Liverpool & Wigan Boatman’s Mission?

Pall Mall

190.                        Who famously held a Confederate Bizarre at St Georges Hall in 1864?

Mary Prioleau

191.                        Which is the oldest repertory theatre in UK?

Liverpool Play House, Williamson Square

192.                        What did McGough, Henri, Patten publish in 1968?

Liverpool 8 Poets

193.                        The final act of the American Civil War took place in Liverpool on 6th Feb 1865, what was it?

The surrender of Confederate ship Shenandoah to the Mayor of Liverpool

194.                        What was the original name of The Empire Theatre?

Prince of Wales Theatre

195.                        Who produced the original draft design for Newsham Park?

Edward Kemp

196.                        Where was the Della Robbia fountain located?

Newsham Park

197.                        Where was the original Owen Owen store opened?

London Road

198.                        Who paid his final visits to Liverpool including dinner at St Georges Hall on 10th April 1869?

Charles Dickens

199.                        St Martin’s Cottages, built 1869, where Europe’s first what?

Municipal housing

200.                        Where on 24th Jan 1870 where 15 people crushed to death after ‘a shout of fire’?

St Joseph’s Grosvenor St

201.                        Where and what was Ramsbottom Chimney?

Smithdown Rd/Crown St – to extract steam from Lime St Tunnel – demolished 1960’s

202.                        Streatlam Tower, Princes Ave. was designed by W&G Audsley for whom?

James L Bowes wool merchant, 1871

203.                        Where was the Royal Southern Hospital located?

Caryl St, Toxteth

204.                        24th Dec 1873 – The Vice-Consul of which country was killed crossing the rail line at Broad Green Station?


205.                        What was the function of Newsham Park Windmill erected c1874?

To maintain water levels in the Newsham Park lakes

206.                        Which notorious gang committed the ‘Tithebarn Outrage’ in 1874?

High Rip gang

207.                        The Liverpool Seaman’s Orphan Institution opened in Newsham Park in 1874, but were had it been temporarily housed previously?

Duke St

208.                        Fanny Louisa Calder is known for starting what in late 19th Century?

Cookery classes for adults at St George’s Hall, Northern Union of Training Schools of Cookery in 1876, and the national Association of Teachers of Domestic Science in 1897.

209.                        The Liverpool British Workman Public House Company became which temperance ‘cafes’?

Liverpool Cocoa Rooms

210.                        The Sultan of ‘where’ visits Seaman’s Orphanage Newsham Park, 8th July 1875?


211.                        What was known as ‘The Bootle Bull’ at Gladstone Dock late 19th Century?

The North Wall Lighthouse, Gladstone Dock

212.                        Where would you find the ‘Spirit of Liverpool’ sculpture by John Warrington Wood?

Top of Walker Art Gallery

213.                        Where was the short-lived second Sailors Home which opened in 1878?

Luton St

214.                        Who funded the St Nicks gardens opened 1891/92?

James Harrison

215.                        Where will you find Petony’s Building?

St James Place

216.                        Who is ‘The Steble Fountain’ named after?

Colonel Steble who was Mayor in 1874

217.                        Where would you find St Luke’s Art Workshop, built 1880?

Myrtle St

218.                        Where would you find the former ‘Bradford Hotel’?

Corner of Pall Mall/Tithebarn St

219.                        Where was the famous Fleming’s Jeans shop?

Walton Road

220.                        There Sir Thomas Hotel was originally what?

Bank of Liverpool, built 1881-82

221.                        The Municipal Buildings Annexe on Dale St was built as what in 1882-83?

Conservative Club

222.                        Which Liverpool hospital had Europe’s first horse-drawn ambulance service?

Northern Hospital

223.                        Ashcroft Building in Victoria St used to house the workshops for manufacturing what?

Billiard tables

224.                        Which pilot boat sank off Formby Point on 29th Nov 1883 with the sad loss of 13 men?

The Good Intent

225.                        Where will you find Crown, Jerome, Carlisle and, Abbey Buildings?

Victoria St (tunnel end)

226.                        The Picton Clock Tower was presented to the people of Wavertree by architect Sir James Picton in 1884, as a memorial to whom?

His wife Sarah

227.                        Lucy Craddock was the first woman to do what in 1884?

The first woman doctor to practise in Liverpool, established and ran a surgery at 52 Huskisson Street

228.                        Sisters Margaret Higgins and Catherine Flanagan were hanged at Kirkdale Gaol in 1884 for what?

For murder of Margaret’s husband Thomas – arsenic poisoning

229.                        The company who recruited the Titanic band had offices on 3rd floor of No. 14 on which street?

Castle St

230.                        Church House – corner of Paradise/Hanover St – was built as what in 1885?

Mersey Mission to Seaman, and a temperance pub

231.                        The SS Great Eastern was used by Lewis’s Dept for what in 1885?

Advertising on the Mersey

232.                        What year was Everton Library opened?


233.                        What included 3 tunnels, 2 tracks, 38 million bricks when opened in 1886?

Mersey Rail Tunnel

234.                        What year was the International Shipperies Exhibition held, and where? (2pts)

1886, Wavertree Park (Botanic Park)

235.                        Where will you find a Sicilian marble statue of William Rathbone by John Henry Foley and Thomas Brock?

Sefton Park

236.                        Where was John Bagot’s Hospital?

Netherfield Rd North

237.                        Who was appointed the Honorary Japanese Consul at Liverpool, the first such appointment in the UK, in 1888?

James L Bowes

238.                        Kirkland’s Bakery is now which pub?

Fly in the Loaf, Hardman St

239.                        The heads of which two royals can be found on the front of the former Exchange Station?

King Edward VII and Queen Alexandra

240.                        The Sheltering Home for Destitute Children on Myrtle St was involved in the emigration of large numbers of ‘in need’ children to which country?


241.                        Who was famously consulted on the design of Liverpool Royal Infirmary – Pembroke Place 1887-89?

Florence Nightingale

242.                        Where did Lizzie Christian sell flowers outside on a Sunday?

Newsham General Hospital

243.                        Where would you find a mast from The SS Great Eastern?

Outside The Kop at LFC

244.                        Which American cowboy appeared at Newsham Park in 1891?

Buffalo Bill

245.                        Which building on Castle St has bronze doors by Thomas Sterling Lee?

Former Adelphi Bank

246.                        Where would you have found the ‘Dandy’ Pat Byrne drinking fountain?

Scotland Place opposite his ‘Morning Star’ pub

247.                        Which year was The Liverpool Overhead Railway formally opened?

4th Feb 1893

248.                        Which association was founded by Lee Jones in 1893?

Food and Betterment Association – still going on Lime Kiln Lane

249.                        Who funded ‘The Mystery’?

Phillip Holt

250.                        What previously stood on the site of the Liverpool and London Globe Insurance Building, No. 1 Dale Street?

First town hall

251.                        Where was the 21ton Horsfall Gun built?

Mersey Forge, Sefton St

252.                        What first did Liverpool Football (Rugby) Club achieve when formed in 1857

First ‘open’ rugby club in the world

253.                        Which old coaching inn was previously on the site of the Municipal Buildings Dale St?

Saracens Head

254.                        Where was the Crooked Billet Restaurant?

Masons Building, Exchange St East (backed onto Quakers Alley)

255.                        Which building from 1874 still stands in Steble Street?

Steble St Baths and Washouse

256.                        The Calderstones estate was bought by which shipping magnate in 1875?

Charles MacIver

257.                        Where was Three Legs of Man Pub?

Corner of London Road/Lime St – now Empire extension

258.                        Who plotted to blow up the Town Hall in 1881?


259.                        The ‘Fruit Exchange Buildings’ – 10/18 Victoria St – were originally built as what in 1888?

Railway goods station

260.                        Which lovely Toxteth building, still standing, was funded by Sir Bernard Hall in 1889?

The Florie

261.                        Where is the ‘Kansas Building’?

Corner of Stanley/Mathew St

262.                        Who paid for the building of The Sefton Palm House in 1896?

Henry Yates Thompson

263.                        Where was the ‘Victoria Settlement’ community centre?

York Terrace/Netherfield Road North

264.                        Which organisation occupied 14 Sir Thomas St?

City Education Offices

265.                        Who founded the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine?

Sir Alfred Lewis Jones

266.                        What ways 20 ton and was discovered in Crosby in 1898?

Gypsum Boulder

267.                        Designed by A.G. Lyster and built 1899-00 with one of earliest examples of Hennebique reinforced concrete. What was it?

Princes Jetty

268.                        Bessie Braddock was born in which Everton street?


269.                        The Bevington Bush Hotel was also known by what name?

Arden House (Salvation Army)

270.                        Where would you find the ‘King’s Pipe’?

Stanley Dock Tobacco Warehouse

271.                        Who gifted the city a number of libraries including Toxteth Branch Library?

Andrew Carnegie

272.                        Who had a number of prestige car outlets around Bold St/Renshaw St in the early 1900s?


273.                        Which famous piece of music was dedicated by the composer to the Liverpool Orchestral Society and had its premiere in the city in October 1901?

Elgar’s Pomp and Circumstance March No.1

274.                        Which building comprises of 27 million bricks?

Stanley Tobacco Warehouse

275.                        Who received the Nobel prize for identifying malaria was carried by mosquitoes in 1902?

Sir Ronald Ross of Southern Hospital

276.                        Who was the engineer for Liverpool’s first ring road?

John Brodie

277.                        Highfield Infirmary/Sanatorium later became which hospital?


278.                        Where was Marks & Spencer’s first Liverpool shop in 1903?

Lime St

279.                        Which building in Dale St was originally symmetrical until part demolished c1962?

State Insurance, built 1902/03

280.                        Who reportedly talked about the ‘managed decline’ of Liverpool in 1981?

Geoffrey Howe

281.                        Where was Victorian legend Spring-heeled Jack reportedly seen in 1904?


282.                        Which famous escape artist appeared at The Empire in 1904?


283.                        What major celebration took place in Liverpool in 1907?

The Liverpool Pageant – 700yrs old

284.                        In which building would you find a frieze containing Psalm 107: ‘They that go down to the sea in ships that do business in great waters these see the works of the Lord and his wonders of the deep’

Port of Liverpool Building/MDHB

285.                        Which building was demolished on Myrtle St in 1998-99 for the Liverpool Community College Art Centre?

Myrtle St Children’s Hospital

286.                        Which famous Liverpool brothers represented GB at the 1908 Olympic games 400m heats?

Noel and Christopher Chavasse

287.                        Which famous Liverpool department store opened in 1908 and is now a Wetherspoons pub?


288.                        A UK first opened at 25 Church St in 1909, what was it?


289.                        Where would you find an obelisk to Samuel Smith?

Sefton Park

290.                        Who was the first woman to be elected to Liverpool City Council in 1909?

Eleanor Rathbone

291.                        Born 22nd March 1910 at 11 Rodney St, author of The Cruel Sea, who was he?

Nicholas John Turney Monsarrat

292.                        Who was the first Catholic Archbishop of Liverpool in 1911?

Thomas Whiteside

293.                        Which world famous building was opened by Opened by Lord E. Lyulph Stanley of Alderley?

Royal Liver Building

294.                        Which author died at Liverpool Royal Infirmary on 3rd Feb 1911?

Robert Noonan (Tressell) – Ragged Trousered Philanthropist

295.                        Who made the first non-stop flight from Liverpool to Manchester on 7th July 1911?

Henry G Melly

296.                        Where now would you find the Memorial to the officers and men of The 8th, The King’s, Liverpool Regiment of Foot, who lost their lives between 1857-58 suppressing the Great Sepoy Mutiny?

Whitley Gardens Shaw St

297.                        In what context were 2 men shot dead on Vauxhall Rd on Tues 15th Aug 1911?

General Transport Strike

298.                        Where were 39 men killed in an explosion on 24th Nov 1911?

Bibby’s Warehouse

299.                        Where was Liverpool’s first boxing stadium opened 1911?

Pudsey St

300.                        Which year was Radio City launched?

21st Oct 1974

301.                        Which was the first purpose built cinema in the city centre?

The Picture House/Futurist Lime St, 1912

302.                        Which dock was opened by opened by King George V and Queen Mary on 19th July 1927?


303.                        Which Liverpool born man compiled the world’s first crossword puzzle which appeared in the ‘New York World’ in 1913?

Arthur Wynn

304.                        Where will you find the Florence Nightingale Memorial sculptured by Charles John Allen?

Boundary wall of Queen Vic Nursing Assoc. Building, Princes Rd

305.                        Which builder built Bootle’s Klondyke Estate?

William Klondyke Jones

306.                        Where will you find the Memorial to Sir Alfred Lewis Jones, unveiled 1913?

Pier Head opposite Royal Liver Building

307.                        The SS Hare sailed to Dublin from Liverpool on 27th Sept 1913 carrying what?

With food aid for strikers in Dublin Lock-out

308.                        Which suffragette placed a bomb at the Liverpool Cotton Exchange on 5th July 1913 (it did not detonate1)?

Edith Rayner

309.                        For what event was Edge Lane Hall demolished in 1913?

The Liverpool Exhibition

310.                        Who initiated The Liverpool PALS in 1914?

Lord Derby

311.                        Annie Garvey was known as what?

‘The Pier Head Squatter’

312.                        The sinking of which ship on 7th May 1915 by German torpedo off Ireland, resulting in 1200 dead, lad to riots in Liverpool?


313.                        In what order were the Three Graces built?

PLC – Port of Liverpool, Liver, Cunard

314.                        Which two Liverpool ferries took part in Zeebrugge landings?

Iris and Daffodil

315.                        Which equestrian statue stands at the Pier Head?

King Edward VII – unveiled 1921

316.                        Which department store bought the land on which St Peters Church stood?


317.                        Which power-station was the first to have natural draught hyperbolic-curved reinforced concrete cooling towers – 1924?

Lister Drive

318.                        In what year was the Anglican Cathedral consecrated by Archbishop of Canterbury in presence of King George V?

19th July 1924

319.                        Which family were the benefactors of the single, massive tower of the Anglican Cathedral? It is named after them.

Vestey family

320.                        In what year was the foundation stone of the Anglican Cathedral laid?

19th July 1904

321.                        Which two men started Vernon Pools?

George Randall Kennerley  and Vernon Sangster

322.                        Which famous sculptor had his studios at Bluecoat Chambers?

Herbert Tyson Smith

323.                        Which tenements were known as ‘The Billogs’?

Kirkdale tenements – Owen/Melrose/Stanley/Fonthill

324.                        Where was John Lennon born?

Liverpool Maternity Hospital – Oxford St

325.                        Who was Liverpool’s and Britain’s first female Lord Mayor?

Margaret Bevan

326.                        Where did the 1927 inaugural City Marathon finish?

Finishes at half-time in Anfield (v Blackburn)

327.                        Which two theatres/music venues had major fires in 1933?

Philharmonic Hall and the Royal Court

328.                        Which big three openings did King George V perform in Liverpool on 18th July 1934?

Walton Hall Park, East Lancs Road, Queensway Tunnel

329.                        Where will you fine the Simpson Drinking Fountain?

Wall of St Nicks

330.                        Where was Champion Whates Lodging House?

Scotland Rd

331.                        Who was the Liverpool born writer for Ken Dodd and Morecambe & Wise?

Eddie Braben

332.                        Which street was lost (runs through centre) for the building of India Buildings 1930?

Chorley St

333.                        The Palace Ice Rink, Prescot Rd built 1931 became what?

Silver Blades

334.                        In what sport did England play v USA at Wavertree Playground in 1938?


335.                        What was the name of the Mersey Pilot boat which ran aground at Ainsdale on 26th November 1939 with the loss of 23 men?

The Charles Livingston

336.                        James Dunwoody Bulloch arrives in Liverpool in June 1861 with orders for 6 what?

Six steam vessels to block The Union

337.                        What was held in Liverpool on 14th June 1862 at the Mount Vernon Parade Ground with 10,000 spectators?

The 1st Grand Olympic Festival

338.                        Where was Ringo Starr (Starkie) born?

Madryn St, 1940

339.                        Where will you find the Horton and Walker Buildings, named after WWII heroes?

Exchange Flags

340.                        Which ship that sailed from Liverpool on 1st July 1940 was torpedoed with the loss of 805 lives?

SS Andora

341.                        Where was the 1940 bombing in Liverpool that Winston Churchill described as “The single worst civilian incident of the war”?

Ernest Brown Junior Technical School, Durning Road

342.                        Where was the Liverpool WWII Free French Navy Camp?


343.                        Which ship that left Liverpool on 3rd Feb 1941 sank and led to film ‘Whiskey Galore’?

SS Politician

344.                        Which building previously stood on the car park behind Municipal Buildings, Victoria St?

Government Buildings

345.                        Where in Liverpool was Gerry Marsden born?


346.                        Who was Liverpool’s first catholic Mayor, 1943?

Austin Harford

347.                        Sir Jacob Epstein has a famous sculpture in Liverpool – what and where?

Liverpool Resurgent – ‘Dicky Lewis’ – Lewis Ranelagh St. 1956

348.                        What was the spill from the construction of the Queensway Tunnel used for?

Otterspool Promenade

349.                        The world’s first helicopter passenger service took off from Liverpool in 1950 to where?

Wrexham, then Cardiff

350.                        Which Alfred Stevens sculpture was removed from St George’s Hall in 1950?

South Portico Pediment

351.                        Which pilot ship is exhibited in one of the Canning Graving Docks?

Edmund Gardner

352.                        Who was the first Liverpool born woman to top the pop charts (1953)?

Lita Roza

353.                        What year did Liverpool get its first Labour controlled council?


354.                        Where was the original Mardi Gras Club when opened in 1957?

Mount Pleasant

355.                        The 22-year old Judi Dench made her professional stage debut at which Liverpool theatre in September 1957?

Royal Court Theatre

356.                        ‘The Violent Playground’ filmed in Liverpool in 1957 and starring- David McCallum, Stanley Baxter, Peter Cushing featured which tenement blocks?

Gerard Gardens

357.                        Where was Bunny’s Store?

Holy Corner, Whitechapel

358.                        How did Julia Lennon die?

Hit by a drink-driver, taxi

359.                        Which building started in 1933, completed in 1958 used 6,000,000 bricks?

Lutyens Crypt

360.                        Why is the Casbah Coffee Club famous?

Basement of Mona Bests house, Pete Bests mum. Beatles used to meet there

361.                        ‘The Dissenters’ met in which pub in 1960?

Ye Cracke

362.                        ‘The Searches’ had a No. 1 single in 1960 with which song?

Sweet for My Sweet

363.                        Which department store was the scene of a fatal fire in 1960 resulting in 11 deaths?


364.                        What year was ‘Boys from the Black Stuff’ first on TV?


365.                        Where is Giles Gilbert Scott’s grave?

Outside entrance to the Anglican Cathedral

366.                        What were removed from the Princes Road Synagogue in 1961?

Six minarets

367.                        Who launched ‘The Mersey Beat’ magazine in 1961?

Bill Harry

368.                        Where did John Lennon marry Cynthia Powell?

64 Mount Pleasant Registry Office

369.                        Which three tenement blocks were known as ‘The Piggeries’?

Haigh – Crosby – Cantebury Heights

370.                        Who was the architect for the Roman Catholic Cathedral?

Sir Frederick Gibberd

371.                        What climbed Concourse House?

La Princesse spider – 2008

372.                        Why did students occupy Senate House in March 1970?

Called for the resignation of the Marquess of Salisbury as Chancellor because of his  expressed opinions on Southern Africa

373.                        The TV drama ‘The Onedin Line’ was based on which Liverpool sea captain?

Captain James Baines

374.                        Which film theatre (often mucky films!) closed in Clayton Sq in 1971 and was converted into the Blessed Sacrament Church?

The Jacey

375.                        The Echo/Daily Post moved to Old Hall St in 1973 from where?

Victoria St/Croshall

376.                        Where were Mass Graves discovered (3,561) in 1973?

Old Swan Primary School

377.                        Where was ‘Tatlin Tower’ – Podium designed by Arthur Dooley, erected in 1973?

Pier Head

378.                        Who was the sculptor of the Beatle Statue – ‘Four Lads Who Shook the World’ in Mathew St?

Arthur Dooley

379.                        Which Liverpool boxer won the WBC Light Heavyweight Crown in 1974?

John Conteh

380.                        The Real Thing had a No.1 with which song in 1976?

You to me are Everything

381.                        Who won what for the third time in 1977?

Red Rum, Grand National

382.                        What year was the Anglican Cathedral finally completed?


383.                        The last of which historical Liverpool family line passed away in 1980?


384.                        Can you name the first three ships to enter Steers dock in 1715?

Mulberry; Batchelor; Robert

385.                        What was Liverpool’s first newspaper (c1715) called?

The Couranty

386.                        When did Tate & Lyle close?


387.                        Which year did Pope John Paul II attend services at the Catholic and Anglican Cathedrals?


388.                        What would you find inside the Eleanor Rigby Statue (donated by Tommy Steele) on Stanley St?

A football sock, Dandy, Beano, clover, page of bible, four sonnets

389.                        Where was The Lybro Factory?

Mount Vernon

390.                        Why was the original Cavern Club demolished in 1973?

For a new railway tunnel ventilation shaft – which was never built!

391.                        Robert Wycherley died on 28th January 1983 – what name was he known by?

Billy Fury

392.                        What event attracted 3.4 million visitors in 1984?

International Garden Festival

393.                        Which Liverpool band was the second band to get to No.1 with their first 3 singles?

Frankie Goes to Hollywood

394.                        On what date was Liverpool’s ‘King John’ Charter signed?

28th August 1207

395.                        Who was the witness for the ‘King John’ Charter?

Simon de Pateshill

396.                        Which year did the ‘Tall Ships’ first visit Liverpool?


397.                        Where were one million daffodil bulbs planted in 1991?

Sefton park by Marie Curie Foundation

398.                        In which year was the Grand National run on the Monday due to a bomb threat?


399.                        Who had a salt refinery close to The Strand c1697?

John Blackburne

400.                        In 1914 who organised the ‘Town Hall Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Families Organisation’ to support wives and dependants of soldiers?

Eleanor Rathbone

401.                        Where was Liverpool’s first recorded ‘Poor House’

Pool Lane (South Castle St) c1557

402.                        Which famous Liverpool family rebuild Croxteth Hall in 1575?


403.                        What started flowing to Liverpool in 1892?

Water from Lake Vyrnwy

404.                        Who was the first Doctor on Rodney St c1790?

Ambrose Dawson M.D.

405.                        Where did famous watchmaker and inventor Peter Litherland have a shop (marked by a plaque)?

Renshaw St, site that is rear of Lewis’s

406. James Maury was first in world what?

United States Consul – Paradise St

407. Where did the Quaker Meeting House and cemetery in Hunter Street move from in 1791?

Quakers Alley

408. In 1793 Liverpool becomes the first and only municipality with the right to issue what?

Issue its own money

409. What was the name of the famous Liverpool pavement artist born in Addison St in 1857?

James Carling

410. Where would you find the 1861 Conacher Pipe Organ which is the oldest instrument of its kind still in existence?

St Anthony’s Scotland Road.

411. Which Liverpool body has three Liver Birds on its crest?

University of Liverpool

412. Where in Liverpool would you have found a statue of Flora  MacDonald by Benjamin E Spence?

Stanley Park/Gladstone Palm House

413. Where would you find the following inscription?

St James Gardens (cemetery) chalybeate spring

414. Why are Gilead, Solomon, and Balm Roads in Kensington so named?

Because Samuel Solomon, of ‘Balm of Gilead’ fame lived opposite in the early 19th Century in ‘Gilead House’

415. By what name is The Charles Garrett Memorial Hall better known as?

Central Hall – Renshaw St

416. Where would you find Tracey Emin’s ‘Roman Standard’?

Outside The Oratory

417. Name the captain and sole survivor of the sinking of RMS Lusitania on 7th May 1915

Captain William Turner

418. What was the number of Liverpool’s ‘last tram’ in 1957?


419. What was given the title ‘Solemn Entrance in Time of War’ in 1941?

The first service to take place in the vast central space below the yet to be completed Anglican Cathedral Tower.

420. What was the 1949 film ‘Whiskey Galore’ based upon?

The sinking of the SS Politician in 1941 in the Outer Hebrides

421. In which city centre pub would you find the ‘First Class smoking room panelling’ from MV Reina Del Pacifico?

The Cornmarket, Fenwick St.



3 Responses to Liverpool Quiz Answers….

  1. alan maycock says:

    It’s The Goyt and The Tame. The Alt flows into the sea at Hightown, doesn’t touch The Mersey

  2. Iain Taylor says:

    This is a brilliant quiz! Who developed it it? I’d like to buy him/her a pint when I next come over from Canada to Lpool!

    iain T.

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